South island fame is no mean feat in fact you know you are famous here when some one you don't know and have never talked to informs you that you are, and always have been, a dick. Any assertion of mind at all here results in a kind of personality suicide. You fucking wanker. Fuck off. Don't look anyone in the eye.
Gimp or catholic - gump and catheter: our all new microcosm of worldverse we can measure with dick-scales. Shut that door behind and haggle with man on moon but gee no point muscling in on publican rogan josh white-wash. Down street slides no more neither that nor dunedin water world super savvy. Technique! Technique! All is memory and meme and busy body! Here's a boy with [no] ambition, when yesterdays rut is today glut. Today. Today, the moment is history and thats the big ATM in the sky. Better views and jangle. Better news and scramble. Pointless ramble. Handle the jandal. Kiwis are hard bunch to please got to point where he actually stopped bothering. Candid on stage non-culture referees and bloodied rugger thigh bunch of fives. Gimp world in many-world interpretation. So that dimension dosent actually count? Suckle unt suckle. See the nerds r votin' too and they ain't all libertarianz. Witch is good right terry ain't it. Lez thug boot camp, family prison, teach-a-lesson-guilt-fear-co-dependent on welfare dependent on oxygen dependent on arclife. Managed to get me clip round ear this time. don't forget the bus route car sex preacher......... 'master, so fame means you are known to touch self?'... 'Yes, Ananda..and more besides'. Famefun toxicon fumes and aethers pinstripe nobody body. Not here. Anywhere but here, mate. Not here, u r still boyish noid jerkin' round ATM. Fame equal more likely to gig smirks. So forget the money and fame, now its all about negation of self and time altogether. NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS. Get it? NOTHING ACTUALLY OCCURS, NOTHING HAS EVER OCCURED, AND NOTHING WILL. That is the prize - thats the secret knowledge- all occult and secret and available as a free download. Link mills man, they're the ticket. On judgement day, Jehovah will compare our Favourites list. So, take your sap and eat it too. Either way, I can't be you. Stick in your toe and let it stew. national party social welfare policy. advanced cancer of the common sense. but of course they got points. that molecule is intellectual property and so is that turd i just sent in the post. no look, don't get me wrong, i strive for proliferation of beauty. we all have SOMETHING TO OFFER. Able bodied psych patients can and will labour. loss and lack, jury, osseous chaff, lick, sodden seraph, cycles , thursdays, pay, distribution of wealth, hump, fish shop, pug, cull, geron, coin, put it in, ay tea emm. eh!! eh mate. Fuck yeah mate. Fucken take that piece of shit. Sustainable social growth factor equals weed bearinf fruit, hack hacking fucking cough. Suddenly, i not half the man i used to be, can we all borro five buck till turdsday. buy me beers wherever and whenever. give me right to say no. GET RICH SLOW SCHEME : on cunts