CRUDE HOMEPAGE. Whip it. Kiss the dying air. Paradise, my man Friday. Worker moves by, waddles down George Street. Kids diffuse and scatter, pocket moneys blackmailed away by the smarter, slicker pubescents. Cackles and dead winding mundane lines of action. Why look. Look up, yer insane, look down, your pants and stupid cheap shoes. Streams of ugly expense threaten to cut my benefit. I is priveledged. But there is no denying it - this is paradise. There are hills here adorned with native trees that sparkle with a radiant life energy you just do not get in the northern hemisphere. I do love that. I have no intention to leave. This is paradise. This is safety. This is natural beauty. If only the socioeconomic culture mirrored this luminous divinity. Why is the culture so short-sighted, seemingly self-loathing ? why are only certain types of art 'let through'? Who has the hand in the cookie jar, and why? Why is the sky very much a limit?
The internet preceeds psychic communication. Walk the streets - society here trembles with fear when it considers the implications. Deflect and diffuse. Don't look. Buy a pair of very dark sunglasses. Grey eye black. Black holes. Self bogan talk on nerves sensing my approach .Get prick,all nose and asses. Lock Narc, like dodgy. He's you the faggots. Praise you, business. Know my commie fight - fuck mainstream one. Hacker might cunt. why a commie: something sooner, cunt. A mouth he dick - but Dunedin ain't! "
Grab what you want, say a small choc bar. Go to counter, make sure the person in front is taking their time. Consume you item as if it was your. when you get to the counter, say you've changed your mind, and leave. Download as much music as you can, and burn cds. Its growing very quickly and consistently in Asia. Asian capability. 150 people. Sale - technical people. Biopharmaceuticals. Europe slowed us up.Nazi cop web addict. Line of business. Primary segments. Earlier slide.
They walk past, he holds the electricity from their passing between the shoulders, deflects it into trash cans and get paid at ATM.